няши же
10.02.2011 в 17:34
Пишет  Aivelin:

10.02.2011 в 16:22
Пишет  Rebel.-:

what was your biggest musical inspiration?
m: aahh... -sheepishly looks at aiji and points to him-
everyone: awwww.
a: sou desu ne. -looks over at maya and points to him too-

when was your first kiss?
m: -looks at aiji and motions between them- ...between us? first time?
a: -shakes his head tensely-
m: hahaha. it's a secret.


what was the strangest thing thrown onstage?
a: not many things are thrown but when we were in paris, a person was thrown onstage. it was a guy. he hugged and kissed maya and then disappeared.
m: -hides his face-
(c) ЖЖ. tenfiftysix

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